Marriage Rebooted


MR 011: 8 Questions To Ask A Man Before You Marry Him


Don’t just get married to him because your friends are all married or because you think age is no longer on your side. That way of thinking will cause more problem in the long run than you think. Marriage is not something you jump into. You must go in with your best foot forward!

Before you say, “Yes I do“, there are certain questions you must ask the man you are dating. Failure to ask these questions may result in the breakdown of your marriage.

There are many marriages that have ended up in divorce just because the right questions were not asked. They didn’t have a better understanding of the person they were getting married to.

In this episode, we share with you, “8 Questions You Should Ask A Man Before You Marry Him.” Remember, don’t just ask these questions, give thought to the answers and see if you can live by them, particularly assess if they align with want you want from a man.

We hope this episode help clear any doubt about the man you plan on getting married to. Download and enjoy!

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